
Keeping Your Son Safe as He Climbs Insanely Difficult Routes | The Hörsts - A Climbing Family, Ep. 2

2014-01-31 3 Dailymotion


What is the secret to raising a happy and successful youth athlete? Should you push them to their limits and hope they thank you for it later or sit back and let them develop at their own pace? Eric Hörst took a cautious route with his oldest son, Cameron, and it paid off. By age 11 Cameron had climbed his first 5.14, which is a professional grade of difficulty that the vast majority of climbers never even contemplate.

But things are more complicated when Cameron, now 12, comes upon the route Dead Souls, a nasty 5.14er in the American Fork Canyon in Utah. It's short and steep and requires Cameron to skip a bolt at a key section, all of which add up to a real threat of him hitting the ground if he falls. As his whips get sketchier Eric has to step in and figure out how to let his son keep climbing without risking his well-being. It takes some serious father/son teamwork to eventually open the route.

Director: Mark Kogelmann
Producer: Mark Kogelmann
Athletes: Cameron Hörst, Eric Hörst, Jonathan Hörst, Lisa Hörst
Sports: Climbing

Keeping Your Son Safe as He Climbs Insanely Difficult Routes | The Hörsts - A Climbing Family, Ep. 2

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